Having mastered the use of a wide range of materials and methods, Nishan Kazazian’s works introduce the viewer to new worlds where form, shape, scale, light, color and texture appear in ways that are provocative, poetic and humorous.
A former Fulbright Fellow, Kazazian has a Masters in Art and Art Education from Teachers College, Columbia University and a Masters in Architecture from Columbia University.
“Nishan Kazazian is a sculptor, a ceramicist, a painter, an architect, a teacher, and a theorist. To say that he wears many hats is true but misleading, for the image of interchangeable hats suggests that each of his activities is confined to a separate compartment. In fact, Kazazian works—and lives—in an open field where boundaries are so fluid they often vanish.”
Carter Ratcliff, Contributing Editor to Art in America. 2017
Kazazian lives and works in New York City and East Hampton, NY. Throughout his career, his works have been exhibited in museums and galleries in the US and abroad and published in local and international magazines.
A complete forthcoming catalog of his work and other publications will be available soon. Please contact the artist for further information.